Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Prolific Readers' Problem

The other day I was walking around a bookstore with my folks and, as usual, I was having a hard time settling on a 'good' book. Like always, the problem was not that I couldn't find anything of interest, but rather it was that there were too many to choose from. Then it occurred to me that this 'problem' was probably universal among serious readers of any genre, so I thought I'd give my two cents on the subject and see how my fellow readers address this challenge.

Primarily dealing with works of fiction, I would usually read the back cover or wherever the synopsis was located and if it piqued my interest, I would maybe skim the forward/author's note before going on to read the prologue or chapter one. If I found myself wanting to read more after that first chapter, then that book would make my list of candidates for purchase. Usually there are at least 3-4 of these, but there were instances where it felt like I wanted to take half the bookstore home with me. As you probably now, a lot of books tend to have its praises displayed on the first page or two, but personally I don't look to them as a major factor for my decision-making since praises are by definition nothing but positive; therefore it doesn't really provide me with any new information. When it was time to make a decision, it usually came down to what I was lacking at the moment. If I was currently reading a physically large book, I would choose a book of a smaller size so that I could take it with me on the road while the big book remains at home; and vice versa if I was already reading a smaller book. Likewise if I was in the middle of a thriller, I would try to choose a book of a different genre to freshen things up a bit. Sometimes, if I was really, really lucky, I would start reading a book and not stop reading it until it was time to leave, and even then I would be reluctant to put it down for long; and that's when I definitely know it's a keeper.

So that's basically my selection process when I'm off hunting for books. Everyone has their own strategies when dealing with book choices, and they're as different and unique as the books themselves; what's yours?


  1. Interesting way of choosing books... much the same as my own but put down in print so well by yourself. It's great browsing through them all though isn't it? I find if I get past the first chapter I usually buy it! (That's if it's not available in the library - I like to be frugal with what little spare cash I have!)

    1. Thanks for your comment Julie. Yes I must agree that browsing through all those books is indeed quite fun and exciting; you never know what you'll find! Happy hunting!
