Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Monochrome Man

I forgot what the prompt for this was, but the concept is simple enough: A man who used to live vivaciously, full of joy and laughter, until some unknown tragedy struck and stole all the color from his life. Another unfinished piece, but I hope you enjoy it in all its shortness.

On the hill lives the Monochrome Man,

The one who sees the world a different way,

In black and white and shades of gray.

His complexion matches his vision,

A dull affair with not a shade of color,

Some would even say he looked a bit sour.

Every day he would go into town,

To tend to his shop, the only paint store around.

He never spoke unless spoken to,

and limited his responses to a word or two.

He went about his day like a man broken and bent,

A dark cloud loomed above him wherever he went.

Children feared him,

Grown ups avoided him.

He ate, slept, and spent his days alone.

But he wasn’t always like that, you see.

The older folks remember a time

When he was a man smiling, happy and carefree.