Sunday, February 16, 2020

Rainy Day

Prompt: choose 6 adjectives to describe yourself, then write a character based on the antonyms of those adjectives; these were mine:
  1.  Shy
  2. Introverted
  3. Short-tempered
  4. Imaginative
  5. Indecisive
  6. Philosophical


  1. Outgoing
  2. Extroverted
  3. Patient
  4. Pedestrian
  5. Confident
  6. Analytical

I should’ve known from the sky this morning that it was going to rain today, hence the umbrella. What I didn’t anticipate was the ridiculous downpour that it had turned into by mid-afternoon. It is now precisely 5:30pm and the rain shows no signs of stopping. Luckily I’m a patient man, and have nowhere else to rush off to for the remainder of the day. “That’s fine, keep raining. I can do this all day.” I told the rainclouds as I looked up with a half smile on my face.

“Hey don’t jinx it idiot! Are you trying to piss off the sky?”

That’s my best friend Harry. He’s a little more…superstitious than I am. In fact, he and I are quite the opposite in a number of ways. But when you’ve been friends with a guy for 20 years, you learn to embrace the differences.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Indecisive Dave

I can't remember what the prompt was for this piece, but I do remember that I based it on one of my many personal flaws; and magnified to a comically ridiculous level.

Indecisive Dave, that’s what his friends calls him. In fact, that’s what everyone calls him, just not to his face, but he knew anyway. He hated the nickname, but he had given up on trying to defend himself; and frankly, it really was a fitting one for him. Ever since he was a little boy, Dave had been tiptoeing between life’s choices, whether they be potentially life-changing or so insignificant that it would be a waste to spend even a single second thinking about them. Because of this, his friends and family have learned to tailor their time with him into a strictly structured routine. But even so, the most mundane of choices challenged Indecisive Dave. Going into the same restaurant, presented with the same menu, it would still take Dave an ungodly amount of time to decide on what to eat.