Seems like I have a habit of forgetting to write down my prompts at the time. Whatever it was, I think the writing turned out pretty nice, like a little horror story prologue (I'm a sucker for horror movies)
is so stupid thought Toby.
Sure, he was the one
who hit the ball through the window, but why couldn’t they just ring the
doorbell and ask for it back? He could even apologize. But then again, they
were just teenagers, aren’t teenagers supposed to do dumb things like this?
“Stupid” he repeated under his breath.
Having successfully climbed the fence, he
now found himself in the neighbor’s backyard. Save the moon, there was little
else that illuminated his surroundings.
“Agh goddamnit, didn’t even think of
bringing a flashlight! Stupid! Stupid!”
It took him much longer than he would have
liked, but he finally found the broken window. He tried to peer inside, but it
was too dark to see anything. Fortunately, the hole was large and close enough
to the lock that he could reach in and open it. After a minute of cautious
fumbling, he heard a click.
“There we go.”
Very slowly, he swung open the window and
eased himself inside the house. Blinking a few times, he allowed his eyes to
adjust to the dark before resuming his search.
“Come on, where is it? It couldn’t have
rolled that far…”
He tried to picture the trajectory in his
mind and, after 23 steps, he found the ball resting at the bottom of the
He quickly bent down and retrieved it,
holding it tight as if it might try to escape.
he thought. Now I just gotta get of here
“What are you doing here?”
“Arghomygod!!” Toby half-screamed. Looking
up, he found himself face to face with a little girl.
Whew, it was just the neighbor’s creepy
adopted daughter.
“Hey there…” Toby started. He tried to
think of some excuse for him being there, but his mind came up blank. So
instead, he changed tactics.
“Hi, my name’s Toby. What’s yours?”
The little girl stared at him with pretentious
black, dead eyes.
“I have many names. But you can call me
a weird response he thought, but decided to let it
“Okay then…Nice to meet you Sarah.”
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