Sunday, February 16, 2020

Rainy Day

Prompt: choose 6 adjectives to describe yourself, then write a character based on the antonyms of those adjectives; these were mine:
  1.  Shy
  2. Introverted
  3. Short-tempered
  4. Imaginative
  5. Indecisive
  6. Philosophical


  1. Outgoing
  2. Extroverted
  3. Patient
  4. Pedestrian
  5. Confident
  6. Analytical

I should’ve known from the sky this morning that it was going to rain today, hence the umbrella. What I didn’t anticipate was the ridiculous downpour that it had turned into by mid-afternoon. It is now precisely 5:30pm and the rain shows no signs of stopping. Luckily I’m a patient man, and have nowhere else to rush off to for the remainder of the day. “That’s fine, keep raining. I can do this all day.” I told the rainclouds as I looked up with a half smile on my face.

“Hey don’t jinx it idiot! Are you trying to piss off the sky?”

That’s my best friend Harry. He’s a little more…superstitious than I am. In fact, he and I are quite the opposite in a number of ways. But when you’ve been friends with a guy for 20 years, you learn to embrace the differences.

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