Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Existential Struggles

So recently I've become a contributing writer for the Elite Daily and I'm very excited to share my first article with everyone! Hope you enjoy it!


  1. Very insightful article, Keith. Life is an interesting experience (or should I say "experiment"?) We are all connected--thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you for the compliment Eleyne-Mari! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Life really is interesting, sometimes too much so!

  2. Keith, I enjoyed your post. It makes me think of Albert Camus and his writing on Sisyphus--we find meaning in the search for meaning. I think we all face existential questions and approaching them with curiosity and an open-heart helps us stand stronger in our purpose and individual truth.

    1. Hi Jackie, I appreciate the comment. I'm not familiar with Camus' The Myth of Sisyphus, but a quick internet search has piqued my interest. Thanks for introducing me to his works!
