Hello and welcome to Keith's Corner, my designated little spot in the vastness of the internet. It is here that I will be blogging about my life, life in general, and any other topics of interest that come to mind. But first, I suppose some introductions are in order.
As you can tell (hopefully) from my blog title, my name's Keith. What can I tell you about myself? Well I'm just your average Chinese-Canadian university student trying to survive school and life. That, and I have a special love for words.
Anyhow, I'm currently in the middle of my (fingers crossed) last semester of university at SFU, with a major in philosophy and minor in psychology. Many of you probably don't associate philosophy with any pleasant memories or thoughts, and I won't blame you; it's not for everyone. But for those of you who don't mind the at times tedious reading and confusing language, philosophy is actually a pretty delightful discipline in that it opens the doors to many interesting (but mostly unanswerable) questions. I'll bet that most if not all of you have thought about questions such as these at one time or another: Is there a god? How do we know? How do we know that we know anything? What actually exists in the world or what is real (Matrix reference)? Some of these questions even have real life applications, such as most questions involving ethics (e.g. is it ethical to sacrifice one hostage to save the other five?)
Clearly these questions hold great interest for most of us, and philosophy allows us to explore these themes in depth. Not surprisingly, many of these have no right answer, or at least not one that everyone can agree on. But that doesn't mean exercising philosophy is pointless. By engaging in these topics, especially with others, you come to appreciate that many problems can be approached from many different ways, and that each point of view has its own merits, even if we do not agree with the view as a whole.
I was planning on making this introduction short but it looks like I've already gone over my limit. It definitely feels good to be writing (or typing) again and I hope you enjoy reading it as well. Don't be afraid to leave a comment or two if you're so inclined. Until next time.
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