Well folks, it's that time of year again. Colorful lights fill up the night as friends and families everywhere celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, and/or some of the other holidays around this time. They may have different names, but the one thing they all have in common is a celebration of togetherness.
I promised myself that I would make a post for Christmas day, and usually I don't like to make posts in which I cannot contribute any significant insights or otherwise interesting thoughts; but I guess this can be an exception. Honestly, I don't think I can tell you anything about the holiday spirit that you don't already know, so I think I'll just give a little snippet on how my own Christmas turned out this year.
Let's see here. On the down side it's been almost four months since I've begun my job hunt, but sad to say I still remain in the population of the unemployed. On the bright side, my family is here with me again, just like they have been every year. But unlike in years past, this reunion will be a fairly short one. Since my brother has found a teaching job in London, he is only here in Canada on a two week break. Likewise, my mother will return to Hong Kong after a month's time here. Two weeks really isn't a whole lot of time, and it'll be at least another 6 months before I see my mother again; 7 months for my brother. Because of this, I find myself cherishing our time together more so than in previous years. So my troubles may not be miles away; heck it's not even out of sight, but I'm having a merry little Christmas this year nonetheless because I've already got what matters most. I wish a Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.